FTU’s students got the ticket to join the final round of “Global Social Venture Competition” in ASEAN

Business with Vietnamese culture

The business plan “Green space with clean hydroponic vegetables” of group VIETGREEN, guided by a young lecturer – Mr. Nguyen Quang Huy (Faculty of Business Administration, Foreign Trade University), was one of eleven plans that were presented in the final round of “Global social venture competition” in ASEAN from 18-20/3/2010 in Thailand.

Vietgreen in the competition

Global Social Venture Competition” – Ideas connection

“Global Social Venture Competition” (GSVC) was initiated in 1999 by the Business school of Berkeley University, USA. The purposes of this competition were training young leaders in the future, searching and developing potential business ventures which bring about high environmental and social value. It has attracted more than 250 teams by 2008. GSVC partners include many world leading business schools such as Columbia Business School, London Business School, Yale School of Management…

GSVC 2009 was held by Berkeley University in corporation with Business School of Thammasat (Thailand) in ASEAN. This was the first time Vietnam took part in GSVC 2008-2009 and a team of Vietnam had been chosen for the ASEAN final round. In three days (18-20/03/2009), the FTU’s group had a chance to communicate with groups from neighbors such as National University of Singapore, National University of Malaysia, Seoul National University (Korea), Auckland University (New Zealand)…

Vietgreen business plan” – Introduction to Vietnamese culture

Vietnam is an agricultural country, image of vegetables garden has made deep impact on each Vietnamese soul. Owning a hydroponic vegetable garden will not only supply our needs of clean vegetables but also beautifier our lovely house, create a fresh and pure environment. Gardening is also a new entertaining trend to equalize our life perfectly whether you live in the city or in the countryside.

Vietgreen supplies many Vietnamese countryside garden designs, which bring familiar feelings just from the names: Countryside picture, Summer noon dream, Shining autumn, Season song… These green designs remind of country environment inside the city, a hometown memory and a Vietnam sign to international friends. The company promotes their businesses by showrooms in hotels, restaurants, vegetables chain stores and agricultural nursery garden over the country. The cultural factor is the key point to penetrate and develop foreign market. Vietgreen, with such brands as Trung Nguyen coffee, Pho 24…will bring the image of Vietnam going further.

The project “Green space with clean hydroponic vegetables” is highly appraised thanks to its sense of community, and also because it is social and friendly to the environment. All products and services of the company will give a hand to protect the environment and green our city. This is a business plan built and developed by a young team of FTU’s students.

The author had a talk with this team in ONG coffee shop in Huynh Thuc Khang street yesterday afternoon. Just a short chatting but I could feel “the flame” from these young. They are trying their best for the final round of “Global social venture competition” in Thailand. This is a chance for the team to show and prove themselves and attract venture investment for this Vietnamese cultural project.

Contact to Vietgreen:

Mr. Nguyen Quang Huy. Email: huynq@ftu.edu.vn. Mobile: 0904 326 435

Ms. Doan Thi Minh Phuong. Email: phuongdtm@vcci.com.vn. Mobile: 098 202 8888

 Some images of Vietgreen at the competition 

(Source:  Vietgreen)

 FTU’s VIETGREEN team before the competition

Vietgreen with other teams

Vietgreen with the Director of GSVC-SEA

Vietgreen with Mr. Kishore K.Moorjani, President of the Jury


FTU’s  students won the international competition “Mekong McKinsey Business plan challenge 2010”

“Mekong McKinsey business plan challenge 2010” was held by the National University of Management of Cambodia for students from Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand. The competition was sponsored by the world’s best consulting company McKinsey & Company in corporation with Ford fund, Victoria Park organization, Dell company and Jardine Schindler group.

Taking place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 23/01/2010, the final round was the competition of fourteen best plans chosen from more than one hundred projects. Greenie group of Foreign Trade University with the plan “Agricultural tourism for children”, guided by lecturer Nguyen Quang Huy from Faculty of Business Administration, won the second prize. The group included three FTU’s students of intake 45:

Lục Thùy Dương, Class Chinese 1, Intake 45C, International Business

Vương Thủy Hương, Class Chinese 1, Intake 45C, International Business

Đinh Thị Thúy Hằng, Class English 1 – High Quality Program, Intake 45, International Business Administration

Awards for the second prize were an actual visit to Dell factory in Penang, Malaysia and three Dell laptops for three members. Greenie was also one of the three Vietnamese groups that got the tickets to join the final round of the competition “Global Social Venture Competition” in ASEAN which took place in March in Bangkok, Thailand: www.gsvc-sea.org.

The result of the competition “Mekong McKinsey business plan challenge 2010” re-confirmed the reputation of Foreign Trade University in business education in Vietnam as well as in ASEAN.

Picture 1: FTU’s members
Picture 2: The three winners – Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand.