On 28th September 2018, the Faculty of Business Administration and the Office of Advanced Program in Business Administration held a seminar on cross-border study with a view to provide to the students of Business Administration Advanced Program and High Quality Program information as well as helpful opportunities on study abroad and approach international modern education systems. The seminar was presented by Associate Professor – Dr Le Thai Phong, Dean of FBA, Dr. Nguyen Thuy Anh – Vice Dean of FBA, Head of the Office of Advanced Program of FBA and numerous students of the Advanced Program and High Quality Program Intake 55 and 56.
In the seminar, the students were informed useful information on the transfer study and valuable scholarship opportunities. Dr. Nguyen Thuy Anh shared and introduced about partner universities, namely the CSUF (California State Fullerton University), FHNW (University of Applied Science and Arts Northwestern Switzerland). From the seminar, the students gained an overview of opportunities, procedures, necessary dossiers as well as standard quota to be considered as qualified.
Especially, the seminar was participated by the representatives of Indec Study Abroad Consulting Company. Indec is a prestigious partner who has supported many FTU students in general and FBA ones in particular in transferring to foreign programs. During the talk, Indec introduced the program of Northeastern University (United States) together with its scholarships to potential students.
As a key note speaker, Ms Nguyen Thi Thao Uyen – the student of the Advanced Program Intake 53 FBA, who has just completed a 1 year transfer program from Huddersfield (United Kingdom), eagerly shared her experiences and challenges during the study and work time in England. Those are truly valuable experiences for students.