Program Specification: Business Administration Advanced Program (2019)

Institution Foreign Trade University
College Business Administration
Certificate of quality assurance
Award granted on completion of the Program Bachelor of Business Administration (International business management)
Major tracks within the program + Vietnamese: Quản trị kinh doanh

+ English: Business Administration

Code of the program 7340101
Name of the program Advanced program in International Business Management
Credit hours 138 credits
Length of the program 4 years
Form of studying Full-time
Language English
Objectives of the program The goal of the program is to educate graduates approaching advanced world-class qualifications who are (1) well-prepared on the perspectives of political, ethical characteristics, (2) comprehensive professional knowledge, (3) proficient practical skills, (4) fluency in information technology and English, (5) the capabilities of self-studying, working independently, well adapting to change, being creative and problems solving in business and business administration within the international environment
Expected Learing Outcomes * Knowledge

(1)  Explain the scientific worldview, scientific methodology, logical thinking method

(2)  Demonstrate an understanding of economic, social, geo-political characteristics of Vietnam, the US and the world.

(3) Apply models and tools of collecting and processing data to support decision-making

(4) Analyze business environment factors that affect business operations and analyze fundamental corporate functions and corporate gorvernance practices in international business

(5) Analyze enterprises’ functions and the business management activities in international environment.

* Skills

(6) Demonstrate leadership skills in international business environment

(7) Demonstrate effective planning and organizing skills

(8) Demonstrate problem-solving and decision-making skills in international business environment.

(9) Demonstrate independence and teamwork skills in multicultural business environment

(10) Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills in multicultural business environment

(11) Demonstrate English language proficiency

(12) Demonstrate Office IT proficiency

* Attitudes

(13) Being collaborative and proactively leading at work

(14) Self-learning, being continously creative, being adaptive to constant change

(15) Having professional and sociable responsibilities

Job placement can be taken after graduation Graduates of Advanced program in International Business Management may work as staff, experts, team leaders, or management trainees at the functional departments (sale department, marketing department, human resource department, business planning department, financial accounting department…), managers at local and foreign enterprises, multinational corporations in all industries and sectors; and experts in business management and international business management or to be business entrepreneurs._
Ability to learn, improve skills after graduation + Self life-long learning ability;

+ Continue to pursue postgraduate programs locally and abroad in different majors.

Entrance Criteria / Entry Requirements 1.   Admission method combining international certificates and high school GPA

– Be a student of specialized in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Literature and Foreign Language classes of gifted high schools in national high school education system

– Up to admission time, graduated from high school or equivalent.

– Have accumulated GPA of 10th, 11th, and 12th grade above 8.0, in which average of final grade of two subjects (including Mathematics and another subject that is not foreign language) is above 8.5. Conduct assessment of 10th, 11th, and 12th grade is above Fair level. If students are not from specialized schools, GPA of 10th, 11th, and 12th grade above 8.5, in which average of final grade of two subjects (Mathematics and Physic/Mathematics and Chemistry above 9, or Math and LA above 8.8).

– Have one of valid international English certificates as below (on sumitted date): above 6.5 band IELTS, above 550 PBT TOEFL, above 90 iBT TOEFT; or get third prize and above on National Competition for in English.

2. Admission method combining international certificates and results of National High school Examination

– Up to admission time, graduated from high school or equivalent.

– Meet health requirement for study purpose according to current regulations.

– Have GPA of each 10th, 11th and 12th year above 7.5; Conduct assessment above Fair;

– Have one of valid international English certificates as below (on sumitted date): above 6.5 band IELTS, above 550 PBT TOEFL, above 90 iBT TOEFT; or get third prize on National Competition for Excellent students in English.

– Have a total score of 02 (two) tests (excluding priority points) of university’s admission pool (including Mathematics and another subject that is not foreign language) on National High school Examination passes the entrance score of this admission method according to Admission Notice of Foreign Trade University.

3. Admission method using results of National High school Examination

– Up to the admission time, graduated from high school (or equivalent).

– Meet health requirement for study purposes according to current regulations.

– Attend National High school Examination organized by the Ministry of Education and Training with a total score of three tests of admission pool (including regional priority score, case priority score, and admission priority score) passes the entrance score according to Foreig Trade university’s annoucement after the test results are available. None of test results within admission pool is below 1.0 (one) score.

– Have GPA of each 10th, 11th, and 12th grade above 6.5; assessment of conduct above Fair level.

– Have international English certificate or pass the entrance English test and English interview of Foreign Trade University.

Comparison program – Major in business administration of California State University Fullerton – CSUF, USA.

Educational philosophy Education towards liberation, associated with practice, fostering honesty, responsibility and creativity capability.
Teaching, learning and evaluation strategy   Teaching method

– Lecturers use modern teaching methods in accordance with credit education method to help students achieve the expected learning outcomes of the modules and the general expected learning outcomes of the training program;

– Promote learner-centered education to enhance learners’ initialive and creativity. Leturers concentrate on the role of organizing, instructing, directing, and controling on students’ studying activities, creative thinking, and skill training in order to let students acquire learning contents on themselves, achieve targeted knowledge, skills, and attitudes required by the program;

– Develop the utilization of initiative teaching methods in order to raise students’ self-awareness in learning, improve self-studying and self-reseraching capability; improve creative thinking, train practical skills,  increase working with others skill, searching and analyzing information skills, presentation and discussion skills. Focus on training students’ self-study methods in order to create habits, passion, and lifelong learning ability;

– Increase extracurricular activities, internships, and business practices in the training process to provide students with practical knowledge.

Learning method

– Students need to improve self-studying, self-researching capability, and to read materials and do teamwork before class;

– Students build their own learning progress, at the same time, adjust their learning style towards academic passion and discovery appreciation; learn ways to knowledgeability; learn to self-study; learn practical skills and realistics attitudes in professionals;

– Students know how to take the advantages of the use of modern technology equipment, foreign language, and information technology to support learning process.


– The evaluation test included:

+ University entrance assessment

+ Assessment of each module: formative assessment and summative evaluation (mid-term and end-term). Evaluate the progress in the student’s learning through the matrix of student scoring/graph/profile that outlines the student’s progress and through a learning outcomes-based training curriculum.

Lecturers use a variety of assessment methods in accordance with syllabus for regular assessment, midterm evaluation, and end-of-course assessment.

Assessment criteria is apllied uniformly in the Department and in the entire curriculum.

+ Graduation/end of the course assessment: Clear evaluation criteria are used uniformedly in the entire curriculum.

Guide to the implementation of the training program Advanced programme in Business Administration is applied to students who have passed the entrance examination of Foreign Trade University.

Students after entering the program will be introduced to the entire curriculum framework on “Orientation Week” and will be guided to register their chosen modules.

On the basis of the approved curriculum, the Undergraduate Department develops a study schedule for the whole intake, including a timetable for each for each class and each intake uiwth a list of subjects for each semester aranged as per the tentative sequence stated in the curiculumn.

Each department in the faculty assigns lectures to teach according to the study schedule of the school year.

After finishing all the subjects in the curriculum and meeting all the graduation requirements, students will be granted the Bachelor.

Issue date/edit of training program 
Place of issue Foreign Trade University


Total accrued credits:                                                                   138 credits

(excluding credits of the following modules: Physical Education, Military Education)


(1) General Knowledge:                                        54 credits
+ Compulsory: 48 credits
+ Selective: 6 credits
(2) Core Knowledge: 21 credits
(3) Professional Knowledge: 63 credits
  + Compulsory: 30 credits
  + Selective: 27 credits
  + Mid-course internship 3 credits
+ Graduation module 9 credits
    • Requirements for curriculum

Total accrued credits:                                                                   138 credits

(excluding credits of the following modules: Physical Education, Military Education)


(1) General Knowledge:                                        54 credits
  + Compulsory: 48 credits
  + Selective: 6 credits
(2) Core Knowledge: 21 credits
(3) Professional Knowledge: 63 credits
  + Compulsory: 30 credits
  + Selective: 27 credits
  + Mid-course internship 3 credits
  + Graduation module 9 credits
  • Curriculum
    No Module name Module code Number of credits Allocation of credits Prerequisites Remarks
On lecture hall Essay, Asignments, Field study Self-study with teacher’s tutorials  
Theory Practice, Discussion
1 General modules   54            
1.1 General modules (compulsory)   48            
1 Advanced English Listening TAN211E 3 30 15 30 90    
2 Advanced English Reading TAN207E 3 15 30 22.5 67.5    
3 Marxist – Leninist Philosophy TRI114 3 30 15 19.5 67.5    
4 Marxist – Leninist Political economy TRI115 2 23 7 15 50    
5 Scientific Socialism TRI116 2 20 10   15 TRI114, TRI115  
6 History of the Communist Party of Vietnam TRI117 2 20 10   45 TRI114, TRI115  
7 Ho Chi Minh Ideology TRI104 2 20 10   45 TRI114, TRI115  
8 Critical Thinking PPH102E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
9 Oral Communication QTR101E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
10 Written communication I QTR102E 3 30 15 42 84    
11 Written communication II QTR204E 3 24 21 42 84    
12 College Algebra TOA103E 4 30 15 30 15    
13 Business calculus TOA105E 3 30 15 30 15    
14 Intercultural communication TAN112E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
15 America History TAN113E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
16 A World civilization to 16th century TAN114E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
17 A World civilization since 16th century TAN115E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5 TAN114E  
18 Physical education                
19 Military education                
1.2 General Knowledge (Optional)   6            
20 Earth Science KHH101E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
21 American Government XHH103E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
22 Introduction to Information system and applications TIN204E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
2 Professional Education Knowledge                
2.1 Basic core Knowledge   21            
23 Principles of microeconomics KTE201E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5 TOA105E  
24 Principles of macroeconomics KTE203E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5 KTE201E  
25 Probability and statistic TOA201E 3 30 15 30 15    
26 Business statistics TOA301E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5 TOA201E  
27 Financial Accounting KET301E 3 30 15 45 45    
28 Managerial Accounting KET310E 3 15 30 45 45    
29 Principles of Marketing MKT302E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5 KTE201E, KTE203E  
2.2 Major core and specialized                
2.2.1 Major core knowledge        Compulsory Modules   21            
30 Human resource management QTR403E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
31 Principles of management and operations QTR301E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5 TOA301E  
32 Financial management KET307E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5 KET301E  
33 Strategic management QTR312E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
34 Organizational Behavior QTR402E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
35 Leadership skills & personal development QTR203E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
36 Business & its Legal Environment PLU102E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5 Optional modules   6            
37 Law for Small Business PLU403E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5 QTR301E  
38 Business Customer Relationship MKT402E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5 MKT401E  
39 Marketing Research Methods MKT304E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
40 Auditing KET313E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
41 Managerial Economics KTE312E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
42 Advanced Business Communication QTR205E 3 30 15 30 90 QTR204E  
43 Productivity and Quality Management QTR409E 3 31 14 22.5 67.5    
2.2.2 Specialized knowledge        Compulsory modules   9            
44 Business & Professional Ethics QTR305E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
45 E-commerce TMA 306E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
46 Project Management QTR407E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5 KET307E Optional modules   15            
47 International Business Law PLU410E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
48 Export-Import Financing TCH417E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
49 Asia-Pacific Financial & Security Markets TCH402E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
50 Global Financial Markets TCH403E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
51 Multinational Marketing Strategies MKT403E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
52 International Business Finance TCH425E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
53 New venture management QTR306E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
54 Financial management II QTR408E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5 KET307E  
55 Emerging issues in management QTR304E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
56 International Business & Management QTR401E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
57 Risk management and Insurance TMA308E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
58 Logistics and International Freight Forwarding TMA305E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
59 Introduction of Investment DTU303E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
60 International Economy KTE308.E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
61 Group Dynamics QTR201E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
2.3 Mid-term internship QTR501E 3            
2.4 Graduation module   9            
2.4.1 Conditional Option   9            
62 Graduation thesis QTR521E 9            
2.4.2 Option   9            
63 Applied Research Methodology PPH105E 3 30 15 22.5 67.5    
64 Graduation Project QTR511E 6            
  TOTAL   138            

Course syllabus: LINK.