Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)Master Program EMBA programme Brief course outline 13/09/2021 EMBA SYLLABUS: LINK. LATEST NEWS KHOA QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI THƯƠNG TỔ CHỨC HỘI THẢO QUỐC GIA “ĐỔI MỚI HOẠT ĐỘNG QUẢN TRỊ ĐỂ THÚC ĐẨY SỰ PHÁT TRIỂN CỦA DOANH NGHIỆP” Opening Ceremony of the 426th AUN-QA Accreditation for Three Bachelor’s Programs at Foreign Trade University Congratulations to Outstanding K59 Students of the Faculty of Business Administration INSTRUCTIONS FOR IMPLEMENTING GRADUATION MODULES FROM INTAKE 60 Enrollment and Study Preparation Guide for K63 Freshmen at the Hanoi Main Campus RELATED NEWS MBA Programme Admission requirement adjustment EMBA Programme Specification MBA Programme Brief outline of all courses MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM THE EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM