Function of the Faculty

Function of the Faculty

Faculty of Business Administration has the main functions as follows:

1) Training and Teaching

– Making plans for constructing and developing the Faculty’s Strategy and Vision in education and other fields;

– Implementing the curricula and syllabi of the Faculty’s majors/specializations and joining in other training programs of FTU;

– Building and improving the training programs of the Faculty and other programs at FTU;

– Concretizing the objectives, curricula, syllabi and methodologies in different training programs of FTU;

– Managing quality, content, and training methodology of the Faculty’s majors/specializations.

2) Conducting research

– Deploying the research tasks specified by the Government

– Building capacity, and improving quality in doing research of the Faculty

– Implementing research projects;

– Organizing workshops, seminars and conferences.

3) Human resource management

– Managing the human resource of the Faculty in accordance with the University’s goals, directions and regulations;

– Doing the long-term planning, and also planning the short-term activities for faculty members;

– Consulting and joining in the University’s recruitment procedures;

– Building plans for training and education, enhancing professional knowledge;

– Training junior lecturers toward the target of developing the next generations of lecturers;

– Evaluating the teaching and research capability of faculty members in order to ensure the best quality.